This study was carried out during 2003 and 2004 seasons on ten years old
"Costata' persimmon trees (Diospyros iraki L.) gralted on D. Lotus rootstock grown in
Ei~Nubaria region where the soil is calcareous to evaluate and compare productively,
fruit quality and storability of “Oil“ and “On“ years lruits under storage at room
temperature (25 i 2°C). Generally, the results indicated that, yield of 'Coslata“
persimmon tees as number and weight of fruits (kg/tree} were lower and average fruit
weight was higher in “Oil“ year trees compared to “On" year trees and the differences
were always signilicant. Fruits from light cropping trees were firm and less lossing in
weight and breakdown percentages specially, after storage period. while lruits form
heavy cropping trees had higher total soluble solids (T55). total soluble sugars (TS),
water soluble pectin (WSP) and pectin methyl esterase (PME) activity.
During storage period at room temperature. colour degree, carotene content,
TSS, TS. WSP and PME activity as well as loss in weight and breakdown
percentages were increased. 0n the other hand, truit lirmness, total chlorophyll
content, acidity and tannins % were decreased in both seasons.
Thus, it could be concluded that, lruits from "On" year trees had lower
storability and keeping quality when stored at room temperature compared to fruits
lrom “Oil" year trees under conditions of this experiment.