A field experiment was carried out at Giza experimental Station, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), during 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons. The main objective was to study the effect of either iron (Fe) or manganese (Mn) application methods, viz. seed coating at rates of 0.2 g Fe or 0.3 g Mn / 1 kg seed, foliar application at 200 ppm Fe or 300 ppm Mn 45 days after sowing (DAS) and the combination of both methods on growth, yield and seed quality of Giza 40 and Nubaria 1 faba bean cultivars. The split plot design with three replications was used. Results showed that Giza 40 produced significantly taller plants at 64, 85, 106 and 127 DAS. It was also superior in plant shoot dry weight at 64 and 85 DAS. The same trend was true at harvest regarding pod number / plant in both seasons. However, Nubaria 1 surpassed Giza 40 in plant shoot dry weight at 106 and 127 DAS. In addition, Nubaria 1 was superior to Giza 40 in leaf area (LA) / plant at all growth ages, 100-seed weight, seed weight / plant, seed and straw yields / feddan as well as seed crude protein, Fe and Mn contents. All treatments induced significant increases over the control in all investigated yield traits in both seasons. Foliar application of Fe was the most effective treatment in this respect followed by foliar application of Mn. The average increases due to foliar application of Fe were 20.4, 42.8, 14.2 and 23.2 % for number of pods / plant, seed weight / plant, 100-seed weight and seed yield / feddan, respectively compared with control. Results also indicated that foliar application of either Fe or Mn could have improved yield and seed quality traits. The improvement in seed protein, total carbohydrate, Fe and Mn contents due to foliar application over coating or coating + spraying methods were 4.8 and 3.9 % for crude protein, 6.1 and 5.5 % for total carbohydrates, 11.1 and 7.5 % for Fe and 10.4 and 7.2 % for Mn, respectively.