Two field experiments were carried out at Belkas second farm, Dakahlia
govemorate, Egypt in 1999 1 2000 and 2000 12001 seasons to study the effect of
three potassium rates. i.e, 0.0, 24 and 48 Kg. K20 1 fed .[as potassium sulfate (48% .
~O.)l on yield and juice quality of sugar beet variety Ras poly - The experiments
were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design. Applying potassium fertilizer at the rate of 24 Kg_ ~ ,!fed. gave the highest values of the chemical constituents of
fresh sugar beet roots, (ash %, fiber % • K% , ex: , N % , T. S .S % , sucrose % and
jOice purity) IncreasiRg 'potassium fertilizer up to 48 Kg, Klo Ifed.can be insignificantly increased root yield, top' yield and sugar yield (ton/fed). On the other hand sucrose 'Yo, purity % and white sugar extrable %decreased with increasing potassium fertilizer rate up to 48 Kg,' ~o '/fed., in'the average of both two seasons. while this rate of potassium increased K%,Na%,ash %, fiber % and reducing sugars %. The obtained results illustrated that applying potassium fertilizer at the rate of 24 Kg. K20 I fed .at the Belkas second farm gave the highest values of the chemical constituents' of sugar. beet roots as well as the percentage of extrable white sugar, sucrose content and sugar yield and in,crease the purity % of sugar beet juice.