As the husk tomato fruits has a pleasant flavour, yellow colour and which re
usually eaten fresh andlor by making preserves as jams, jelly or sauce. therefore he
present study was carried out to evaluate the fruits for chemical composition as ~tI
as the biological value. The husk tomato fruit was characterized by having high j e
conlent (aboul 77%) being considered as a rich source of ascorbic acid (1 0
mg/100g), Oxalic acid 72.21 mg/100 g., total sugars (26.32%) and carotenOlds (12. 9
mgl100g) on dry weight basis. Meanwhile, husk and peel were characterized ~h
high pectic substances (10.51 and 20.59%). On the other hand, the husk contain d
carotenoids more than two folds compared to that in the peel (10.43 vis 4. 0
mg/100g). Protein content and elher extn1Ct were found In similar am0(X11s In see(ls
(16.27 and 16.09%) dry weight basis. Total carbohydrates and fibers were the m~ln
components in aY husk tomato fractions. The biological evaluation of dried hur,k
tomato on the haemoglobin content, iron content in serum and liver and its effect 01
the hypercholestrolemic patients showed a good f~tional effect with tile
aforementioned trealments when eaten in the amount 012.0 gm/day (8.7 gm fre h
Iday). Besides, the results also showed that feeding on 2.0 gm dried husk loma 0
(8.7gm fresh) resulted In the improved recovery Itom anemia and also increased I e
concentration of haemoglobin content. with decreasing the level of cholesterol n
serum and liver.