General characteristics, proximate composition, minerals content and
physicochemical properties of the two common Egyptian mulberry (Iut) fruits species.
Moros Blba and Moros nigra, were studied. Different processed products (juice, syrup
and jam) were prepared from mulberry fruits and their organoleptic properties were
evaluated. The anthocyanlns of black mulberry (M. nigra) filJlts was extracted and
their maximum absorption and heat stabUily at800C for 5 tvs were determined. The
results showed that rrults of M. alba mulberry species were white in colour, larger in
size, moderate weight. high In K, Cu. Zn. Mg and low in Ca, Fe, titratble acidity,
ascorbic; acid, pectin and fructose in comparing with the black. fruits o· M. nigra
species. PrOximate composiUon and other physicochemical properties were nearly
similar in !he fruits of both species. Reducing sugars (glucose and filJctose) were the
main constituents, it represented about 13.06% In both types of fruits.
GlucoseJfr\lctose ratios of M. a/be and M. nigra were 1:1.3 and 1:1.5, res ec;tively.
Panelists preferred significantly the pasteurized juice prepared by mildng mulberry
black fruit juice with waler at 1;3 vlv ratio and syrup made from 100% blacJt mulberry
juice. They also preferred both whole and mashed black mulberry jam ore than
those of white mulberry filJits. M. nigra could be considered as a good source of
anthocyanins (200.96 mgl100g) .The maximum absorption of the antt\ocyanlns
extracted either by acidified ethanol or cilric acid was 535 nm. Anthocyanins extracts
displayed good heat stability even at 80°C for 5 hrs. The rate of the reduction was
more pronounced in the extracted pigment by acidified ethanol than by citric acid.