Samples of cane and beet molasses were obtained from Armant sugar
factory and Delta company of sugar. Qena and Kafr EI-Sheikh governorates;
respectively, during 2002/2003 working season. Sucrose and reducing sugars
were determined by HPlC and classicat analytical methods.
Results revealed that. the sucrose determined by HPLC technique was
from 3.30 % to 10.26 % lower than thai determined by a double polarization in
beet and cane molasses; respectively. This was due to generation more
compounds after acid treatment have dextrorotation of light. In the same trend.
reducing sugars determined by HPlC was lower than that of a traditional methods
( Orner's and Fehling methods in beet and cane molasses. 0.21 % to 7.41 %:
respectively) because of many organic and inorganic substances in rnalasses,
that can reduce copper as well as gtucose and fructose. The glucose I fructose ( G
IF) ratios using HPlC were ranged from 0.68: 1 in cane molasses to 1.18 : 1 in
beet molasses compared to traditional methods. i.e. 1 : 1 mixture of glucose and
fructose. The average value was 0.77 : 1 in cane molasses compared to 0.93: 1 in
beet molasses.
The HPLC determination of sugars in molasses was a rapid, accurate
and repeatable to emphasis the results of analysis. It is also very important (or
calculation sugar loss in final molasses and exhaustion of molasses.