Mango seed kernels flour (MSKF) were analyzed for proximate chemical
composition, amino acid composition. functional properties and protein quality. As well
as. effects of soaking in tap water or in sulphited water up to 72 hr or boiling of MSK
either raw. soaked In tape water or in sutphited water were studied. From the obtained
results it could be concluded that: 1- Mango seed kernel flour contained reasonable chemical composition exceptprotein content, which was relatively low (6.61 %).2- MSKF protein was considered a poor scurce of methionine. cystine and tyrosine. On the other hand. lsoleucine and leuclne are the predominant essential amino acids.Also. essential amino acids represented 33.4? % of total amino acids. Among non-essential amino acids. giutamic (23.23%) and aspartic acids (921%) were found in
the highest levels. Methionine was the first limiting amino acid followed by threonine
and lysine. The protein efficiency ratio {PER} and biological value were 1.914 and
59.241. respectively. It was observed that mango seed kernel flour was a rich source
for vallne, isoleucine and leucine when compared with FAO of school child and adult
requirement patterns.3- MSKF had relatively high water and fat absorption (186, 89 mli‘iOOg sample.
respectively). as well as good oil emulsification and foaming capacity (18 ml oil :‘100g
sample and 51.2 %. respectively). On the other hand. foaming stability was low.
4- Raw mango seed kernels contained tannins (6.377mg catechin lg sample) and
trypsin inhibitory activity (34.834 TlUi 9 sample). Both soaking and bolting treatments
reduced the contents of these antinutrients factors. but boiling was more effective.
The in vitro protein digestibility value of raw kernel was low (21.05 ‘70): soaking and
boiling improved it. The observed improvement paneled with the reductions in tannin
contents. 5- The sensory evaluation of cakes made from wheat flour and processed flour,
illustrated that, there were not significant differences between the samples displaced
wheat flour by 5, 10 “In processed flour and controi concerning appearance. color,
taste and over all acceptability (P5005). In addition. 15% displacement had a good
scale it could be concluded that. although mango seed kernel has a low content of
protein. the quality of protein is good because it was rich in some essential amino
acids, with good functional properties and high invitro digestibility. The results also
indicated that. soaking and boiling treatments had a great reductiOn of the
antinutn'tional factors. 80 the processed flour could be a principal ingredient for
making products as cakes and cookies for infant and adults and also other products
as bread and pastry.
Mango seed kernels flour (MSKF) were analyzed for proximate chemical
composition, amino acid composition. functional properties and protein quality. As well
as. effects of soaking in tap water or in sulphited water up to 72 hr or boiling of MSK
either raw. soaked In tape water or in sutphited water were studied. From the obtained
results it could be concluded that: 1- Mango seed kernel flour contained reasonable chemical composition exceptprotein content, which was relatively low (6.61 %).2- MSKF protein was considered a poor scurce of methionine. cystine and tyrosine. On the other hand. lsoleucine and leuclne are the predominant essential amino acids.Also. essential amino acids represented 33.4? % of total amino acids. Among non-essential amino acids. giutamic (23.23%) and aspartic acids (921%) were found in
the highest levels. Methionine was the first limiting amino acid followed by threonine
and lysine. The protein efficiency ratio {PER} and biological value were 1.914 and
59.241. respectively. It was observed that mango seed kernel flour was a rich source
for vallne, isoleucine and leucine when compared with FAO of school child and adult
requirement patterns.3- MSKF had relatively high water and fat absorption (186, 89 mli‘iOOg sample.
respectively). as well as good oil emulsification and foaming capacity (18 ml oil :‘100g
sample and 51.2 %. respectively). On the other hand. foaming stability was low.
4- Raw mango seed kernels contained tannins (6.377mg catechin lg sample) and
trypsin inhibitory activity (34.834 TlUi 9 sample). Both soaking and bolting treatments
reduced the contents of these antinutrients factors. but boiling was more effective.
The in vitro protein digestibility value of raw kernel was low (21.05 ‘70): soaking and
boiling improved it. The observed improvement paneled with the reductions in tannin
contents. 5- The sensory evaluation of cakes made from wheat flour and processed flour,
illustrated that, there were not significant differences between the samples displaced
wheat flour by 5, 10 “In processed flour and controi concerning appearance. color,
taste and over all acceptability (P5005). In addition. 15% displacement had a good
scale it could be concluded that. although mango seed kernel has a low content of
protein. the quality of protein is good because it was rich in some essential amino
acids, with good functional properties and high invitro digestibility. The results also
indicated that. soaking and boiling treatments had a great reductiOn of the
antinutn'tional factors. 80 the processed flour could be a principal ingredient for
making products as cakes and cookies for infant and adults and also other products
as bread and pastry.Keywords: Mango seed kernels flour. chemical composition. protein quality,
tannins. trypsin inhibitory activity. sensory evaluation.