Food ¡s of greatest role on human health. One of (he scientific ways to
investigate this role is the starvation study. In the current investigation, 90 growing
experimental rats were divided into three groups, isocatoric and two degrees
hypocaloric ones. The biological parameters of these 100, 50 and 25 percentages of
the used isocalonc diet, i.e., 410-calone/lOOg diet, were conducted. The trial was
carried out on those obese and lean animals of almost the same ago. In general, the
catch up growth dunng normai dieting was shown to be reversible except for those lean
animais of starting body weight (18W) less than 70% compared to the control. The less
degree of starved rats died at 70% FBW ¡control FBW, within eight weeks, meanwhile,
the sever one although died two weeks earlier, but at higher FBW/cFBW ratio r-O%
assuming a risk to some biological factor other than loosing weight. To put . iore
clearly, factor other than the shift ¡n base metabolic ratio (BMR) may posses the main
reason to death. In conjugation, the total plasma cholesterol (TC) elevations were
positively related to the hypocaloric degree in diet and become more remarkable with
time, eg, 130 to 160% norms. These metabolic changes must be correlated with th
damage of body tissues and cells out of hunger or using the protein more frcquentiy.
This sort of abnormal cholestrolemia has been shown to be associated wth organs
enlargement. In this regard, aU types of organ weight have been extinct in range from
130% to almost 330% comparing to the normal.
The other metabobtes that deviated with sever reduction in energy viere the
elevation of blood total protein. Similar data have been recorded for creatinine. In
contrary, enzymes of liver functions have been found to go another way.
More accurate investigation is conducted to biologically explore this met2bollc
conjugation. It is ctear that this emergence catabolic status of proteins (EMS) save the
animals, but its existence for longer time may posses a reverse effect. In another
words, this EMS ¡s a sort of hormonal oxidative imbalance, which abuses the biological
system at ihe long run.