In the present study ,body mass index (SMI),serum lipid profile,e.g.,total
cholesterol (TC) , triglycerids (TGs), high density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) ,
and low density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-C) were deterimined in serum of some
university students lived in Minuf dormitory students. Minufiya university in order to
evaluate the relationship between the above mentioned components and their food
intake .The students either male or female were divided into two groups A and S. The
results revealed that the average age for the sample under study was (21.0 ± 1.91 ,
20.64 ± 1.69 years) for males group A,S and ( 20.80 ± 2.30, 20.92 ± 2.40years) for
females group A,S respectively. The mean heightwas(173.11±8.05, 173. 82±8.34 cm)
and (160.30± 5.85, 158.85 ± 5.23 cm) for both male and female group A,S
respectively. Which was about 97.80, 98.20 % and 97.74, 96.86% of standard.The
results indicated also that the average weight of males and females group A,S
representing 112.01, 130.93 % and 118.97, 143.64% of standard. The mean of
energy intakes for male recorded 4074.89 ± 304.20,4287.11 ± 483.13 kcal and
while it was 2788.29 ± 513.47, 3290.73 ± 384.31 kcal for female students group A,S
respectively. Energy intakes for all groups were higher compared with
(RDA,1989).With respect to biochemical measurements of serum (TC), (TG) and
(LDL-C ) were highly increased in females than those males, while HDL-C were
higher in males than females .The results exhibited that female students may be
subjected to the risk of atherosclerotic and coronary heart diseases (CHD) because of
a high values of serum TC, TG and LDL-C than male students. The study
recommended that the dietary modification and balance of diets must be taken into
consideration. Regarding obese reduction of their energy intake with simultaneous
promotion of physical activities and avoidance of sedentary life must be taken place
for improving nutrition and health status of both male and female students.