The chemical composition of two varieties of white kidney beans namely
Bronco and Nibraska were studied and compared. The highest content of crude
protein was found in Bronco variety (26.93%) on dry weight basis compared to that
found in Nibraska variety (25.79%). Also, the highest content of ash, ether extract and
total carbohydrates were found in Nibraska variety compared to that found in Bronco
variety. Available carbohydrates in both raw and processed white kidney beans
varieties and the effect of processing treatments were studied and the obtained
results indicated that the available carbohydrates showed pronounced decrease due
to processing in reducing sugars, non- reducing sugars and starch in both varieties.
The amino acids were determined for raw and processed samples. The soaking
process in tap water for 12 hours resulted in an increase of some amino acids. 0n
contrary. both cooking either directly or after soaking caused slightly destruction of all
amino acids in the two varieties. Also, the soaking process caused a slight increase in
amino acid scores from 53.93 to 53.03 and 55.7‘! to 57.19 in Bronco and Nibraska
varieties, respectively. However, the cooking process caused a decreasing trend in
amino acid scores. Minerals content of all samples as well as the effect of processing
were studied. showing a decrease in all minerals under study. The highest
decreasing values were for potassium and sodium, but the lowest one was for iron in
both varieties. Conclusively, the soaking before cooking improved all sensory
properties for the cooked white kidney beans especially in both texture and flavor.
Keywords: White kidney beans (Phasedus vulgaris L), chemical composition.
available carbohydrates. amino acids. minerals and processing.