Green beans pods variety Bronco were stored at 7oC with relative humidity 95% - 97% on two packages of polyethylene bags (proved with antilog agents) and perforated poly polypropylene from zero time to 14 days. After post harvest treatment , green beans pods were cut crosswise into length of 2cm , which were given short heat treatment and afterward stored in polyethylene bags for a period of 6 months at -18 oC. Storage time and type of package before processing had an effect on the texture, color, chlorophyll a and b, ascorbic acid and carotenoids of frozen green beans. The texture of frozen samples was highly correlated with water loss of the raw green beans. Significant correlations were found between yellowness, instrumental color measurements and chlorophylls in the frozen samples. Ascorbic acid content of green beans during storage at-18OC decreased by 12% during 3 months of storage. A correlation existed between the rate of decrease and the storage time of raw green beans before frozen storage and type of packaging material. Carotenoids content of green beans was stable during stored at 7oC, and remained stable during subsequent frozen storage.
Finally , it could be concluded that the content of chemical compounds decreased when green beans were stored for 14 days at 7oC or after processing for freezing as well as, the loss in sensory qualities was the major factor of deterioration.