This study aimed to determine the effect of imbibition rate on milling quality and extracted juice for fresh green and burnt cut cane stored for different periods of two cane varieties Giza 99/103 and Giza 99/160 during 2016/ 2017 working season., both varieties were planted under comparable conditions at Kom Ombo Sugar Cane Research Station Farm, Aswan Governorate, Egypt. The obtained results revealed that every rise in imbibition of 5% cane and or 42.7 % fiber, there was an increase of about 4.7 and 0.9 % in mixed juice and pol extraction; respectively in Giza 99/103 while Giza 99/160 were 4.7 and 1.0 %. Pol % bagasse decreased by 0.55, 0.48 and 0.35 for every 5 % increase in imbibition rate from 20 to 35 % with the variety Giza 99/103. The variety Giza 99/160 showed a slight increase in mixed juice and pol extractions over Giza 99/103.In case of Giza 99/103 variety, fiber % cane increased from 11.7 in fresh green cane to 12.7, 12.9 and 13.4 after 2, 4 and 6 days from burning and cutting; respectively. The levels of imbibition rate % fiber were found to be; 157.5, 196.9, 236.2 and 275.6; respectively of 2 days storage period. After 4 days they become 155.0, 193.8, 232.6 and 271.3 whereas after 6 days imbibition levels % fiber was: 149.3, 186.6, 223.9 and 261.2, while the burnt cut cane of Giza 99/160 variety showed the same pattern. The increase in fiber content % cane was 1.8, 1.9 and 2.9 over the fresh cane after 2, 4 and 6 days storage periods; respectively. The presented data showed that brix and pol % mixed juice (sugar percent in mixed juice) had increased from day to day with all imbibition rate level used. Mixed juice purity decreased slightly with time elapse and so was the increase in glucose ratio and non-pol % brix (non sugars percent in brix) with fresh green and burnt cut canestored for 6 days after harvest of both varieties.