The effect of replacing rice flour with quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa) flour on the proximate chemical composition, physical properties and sensory evaluation of free gluten pan bread were investigated. Baking trials were conducted at different levels of substitution (25, 50, 75 and 100% quinoa seeds flour). Results indicated that moisture, crude protein, lipids, ash and dietary fiber content were increased in substituted levels of quinoa seeds . While, total carbohydrates decreased by increasing in quinoa levels. Also, gluten-free pan bread samples prepared from rice flour(RF) and 25% quinoa flour (QF) proved to be of lower content in macro mineral (K, Ca, Mg, Na & P) and micro mineral (Fe, Mn & Zn) content ,while(G.F.P) bread samples prepared from 100% quinoa flour(qf) recorded high contents of all mineral under investigation. Weight (g) gradually increased infree gluten (G.F.P) bread samples parallel to the increase in substitution levels by quinoa flour(QF). On the other hand, volume and specific volume (cm3/g) of free gluten pan bread gradually decreasing by increasing levels of quinoa flour(QF). Organoleptic properties indicated that there were no significant differences(P <0.05) between control gluten-free pan bread sample (RF) and test sample containing QF at 25% level in most sensory characteristics with the exception of the color of crust and crumb in this sample which was significantly reduced (P<0.05) when compared with control bread(RF). Also, there were non-significant differences in bread samples containing 50% quinoa flour(RF) with other samples, softnes,crumb structure and over all acceptability . On the other hand, the gluten-free pan bread samples containing 75 and 100% QF were significantly differences (P<0.05) in all sensory properties and had less judging scores as compared to the control pan bread(RF) and the other pan bread sample containing 25% and 50%QF, except gluten free pan bread samples containing 50% showed non significant difference with samplas containing in crumb color and taste properties.