This study was aimed to know the knowledge. oractical and clever levels for
breeders on the some areas related to lechnical recommendation In the field of
nulr1Uon and sheep husbandry and then to identify the decrease of knowledge ,
practical and clever in these fields aoc then try 10 focus Of) identify the extension
requirements of the knowledge and clever In each lield end then social and personal
changes Included: age of bneedar, number of children, having agricultural area in the
farm, number of years that working in the field of sheep breeders, cultural knov.Aedge.
the dlrectlOll toward sheep breeding, number of sheep having In his farm ( the flock)
and then try to door Los uggest e xtsosion program to these field: sheep nutrition,
sheep pasture and sheep husbandry.
This study was carried out on some samples 01 breeders In 4 villages In J
centers In Sohag governorate. the size of samples were about 130 breeders. These
breeders were chosen at randomly by lhe helping of co-operation agriculture
statements in each center and lis! of at random numbers. These data ware collected
by statements paper well done especially 10 tnts subject and well documented from
especial professor in the field of agriculture extension and anImal productlon areas LO
Insure that these InformaUon are well suitable (0 li1e level of knowledge tor breeders
and pLI1 the Important of each area. The data were collected trom August to the
middle of September 2003 ( aboul 2 months). Statistical analysis which wei! suitable
to clear the oata were: Percentage, Simple correlation, Arithmetic means end
Samples standard deviatton (SO). This study cleared li1at:
Krow18'dge level for breeders was low In the field of sheep n utrillon and sheep
husbandry while it was high in the field of sheep pasture. Ge(leralfy, perceotape
means were: 5% (nulrillon). 93% (pasture) ar"ld 77.3% [husbandry).
- Percentage means tor decrease degrees in kMwfedge ware: 46% (nLI1rition), 7%
(husbandry) and 22.7% (paslure).
PractJcall-evel was decrease In sheep nutrition and sheep husbandry areas. while It
was high in the field of sheep pasture. Gen8f8t1y. percentage means In sheep
nutriUon. sheep pasture and sheep husbandry were, 35.5%. 70% and 51%,
-Percentaqe means for decrease degrees In oracucai level tor breeders were:
64.S%(nulrition), 31% (pasture) and 39% (husbnndry).
If) the field ot sheep nutrition, knowledge and oracucai needing were high while its
were middle In husbandry and low In the tiled of pasture.
• There efa significant levels ( <0.01) lor knowledge and clever levels In the nalds of
sheep nutriUon . sheep pasture and sheep husbandry. These statlsuca: analysis
proved that variances such as age Included: age of breeder. (lumber of years that
worklf'09 In lhe field of sheep breeders. cultural knowledge. Ihe direction toward
sheep breeding. number of sheep havIng in his farm ( the flock ) where the most
variances relat€:d to sheep nulrlllon, sheep pasture and sheep husba()(jty.
In conclusion, the rasearcbsr as recommended that it 15 very Important to
prepare training program for breeders In the field of anImal production. These
programs inciuded more details in the lield of sheep production and will co- operated
with some agency which more related and more care in thIs lietd such as '. Ministry 01
Agt'.cultvT'8, Veterinary medicine, Agriculture Extension System. This will aim to tore
the decrease of knowledge lavel and push lhem to the forward in the lield of practical