Two fietd experiments were executed in sandy loam soil at El-Tahrir province
Seclor during the summer growing season of 2004 to evaluate the effect of a natural
soil amendment enriched with SOme mineral amendments and biofertilizers on groW1h.
yield and some nutrient status or corn and peanut crops under sprinkler irrigation
system. Four bio-organic conditioner levels (zero. 2.5, 5.0 and 7,5 tons fed") were
used in both field experiments as compared the use of 10 tons fed" FYM. as a
traditional organic fertilizer, Hair dose of N·fertilization (60 kg N fed") was added to
corn planls in combinalion with differenl levels of organic materials, except for the
recommended treatment (which received 120 kg N fed" + 5.0 tons fed" FYM), Seeds
of peanut were inoculated with Bradyrtlizobium spp, (Arachis) as a nitrogen fixing
bacteria in combinalion with differenl levels of organic materials, except for the
recommended treatment that received a starter dose of N (20 kg N fed"),
Corn field experiment results showed that addition of bio-organic conditioner
(al rates of 5,0 or 7,5 Ions fed-') ;n combination with half dose of N-fertilizer exhibited
significant increases in all vegetative groW1h parameters, Data concerning the corn
yield as well as their crude protein and rnicronutrients concentration reconfirmed the
stimulative effect of such combined I reatments ,
Results of peanut experiment showed that application of bio-orqanic
conditioner (5.0 or 7.5 tons led") along with Bradyrtlizobium inoculation led to a
suostantiat increases ;n numeer and dry weight of nodular tissues. dry weight of
shoots and roots as well as lolal-N content and micronutrients concentration. Also.
data concerning tile peanut yield as well as crude protein and micronutrients
concentration confirmed again the positive effect of such combination.
II is worthy to note that the bio-organic conditioner product not only acts as a
soil amendment but also acts as bio-orqenic fertilizers and plant growth promoting
Rhilobacteria. This means that this p < /em>roduct may enhance the growth. yield and its
chemical composition either in legumes or non-legumes under sandy soil condittons.