Five hundred and twenty five, one-day old, unsexed Japanese quails
(coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into 7 groups (75 birds each), each
group contained 3 replicates of 25 birds each. The first group was fed diet with 24%
CP and 3011 kcal ME/kg (control), whereas groups (2, 3 and 4) were fed the control
diet supplemented with fresh garlic, black pepper and hot pepper at levels 1, 0.05 and
0.05%, respectively. Groups (5, 6 and 7) were fed also the control diet supplemented
with fresh garlic, black pepper and hot pepper at levels 2, 0.1 and 0.1 %, respectively.
All experimental birds were reared under similar management conditions up till 42 day
of age.
The results showed that all additives used either in low or high levels
improved significantly (P s 0.05) live body weight which was increased significantly (p
~ 0.05) with increasing the level of either garlic, black or hot pepper. Live body weight
gain followed the same trend. A significant increase (P s 0.05) in feed consumption
was noticed in groups fed diets supplemented with hot and black pepper at either low
or high level and group supplemented wiht garlic at high level. The use of high level of
either black or hot pepper improved significantly (P s 0.05) the feed conversion at 21
day of age, while the addition of all the tested growth promoters at any level improved
feed conversion during the period from 21-42 day of age and allover the experimental
No significant effect was recorded on dressing, edible giblet and offal
percentage. It is worthy to note that either hot pepper, black pepper or garlic at all
levels tested improved Significantly (p .:: 0.05) dressing percentage. Serum content of
total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, creatinine, AST and AL T of treated groups
were significantly (P s 0.05) higher than those of the control group. While, total
cholesterol was reduced significantly (p ~ 0.05) by feeding garlic, black and hot
pepper. From the results of economic efficiency it could be recommended to use
either garlic at 1 and 2%, black pepper at 0.05% and hot pepper at 0.05 and 0.1 %
levels to get the best values of feeding Japanese quail on diets containing 24% CP
and 3011 Kcal ME/Kg.