This work aimed to study the residual of total glycolalkaloids (TGA) in discarded, trophy and greenish spots of tubers and vines as a natural toxic components and their effects on milk yield, milk composition and rumen activities of lactating Zaribi goats fed potato tuber and vine on the form of silage or hay. Twenty four lactating Zaribi goats with an average body weight of 41.76 kg and aged 30-36 months. Animals were divided into three similar groups (8 animals in each) were assigned randomly to receive one of 3 experimental rations. Animals were fed concentrate feed mixture(CFM)to cover 50% of requirements according toNRC(1990).The experimental diets were 50%concentrate feed mixture(CFM)+50% experimental materials as well as berseem hay as control (G1),potato tuber and vine silage(PTVS)or potato vine hay(PVH)in second and third rations(G2 & G3),respectively.The experiment lasted for 120 days. Nutrient digestibility's and nutritive value were determined. Data obtained for TGA values were significantly(p<0.05) higher for potato vines hay(PVH) in (diets, milk, feces and urines) than potato tubers and vines silage (PTVS).Moreover minerals in experimental rations as well as macro-elements(Calcium, Phosphor ,Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium) and micro-elements(Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Iron) of G3 was significantly(p<0.05) lower among all tested treatments, whereas the excretion of same elements in feces and urine of G3 ration were significantly(p<0.05)higher than the G2 values. On the other hand PTVS (G2) had higher quality of all tested parameters as well as pH, ammonia, lactic acid and total volatile fatty acid (TVFA's).Subsequent daily DM intake of dairy goats as % BW or g/kg w0.75 decreased with G1 (3.58 and 90.99) and G2 (3.62 and 91.91)respectively, compared with G3 (3.69 and 93.73). At same time,the feed intake tended to increase with G1 and G3 groups and the values were(61.3:38.7&61.7:38.3)respectively compared with G2 ration(60.9 :38.1).Data of hematology clearly that values of white blood cells count (haematocrit, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine and bilirubin)were significantly(P<0.05)higher of G3 group compared to G1 and G2 groups. Moreover, Milk yield of dairy goats was significantly(P<0.05)lower with G3 (1.376 kg/h/d) than G1 (1.451kg/h/d)and G2 (1.417 kg / h / d) respectively.The CP of digestibility was significantly increased with ration containing PTVS and control.While the difference of CP digestibility between G1 and G3 rations were about 10% . Addition to NDF, ADF, Hemicellulose ,cellulose and ADL digestibility coefficients of G3 ration were significantly(p<0.05)lower compared to the other tested rations. This may be due to the high concentration of ADL in G3 and G1 rations .Cell wall constituent(CWC)as NDF, ADF, ADL, celluloses and hemicelluloses recorded higher significant (p<0.05) for G1 and G2 rations than G3.The higher values of acetate, Butrate ,Iso-Butyrate were recorded with G3. Ammonia-N and TVFAۥs in rumen liquor were higher with G2 followed by G3 and G1 through different sampling times.The total bacterial count, cellulytic bacteria and protozoa were recorded significantly higher(p<0.05)with G2 at 0,3 and 6 hrs post-feeding.