Egypt witnessedduring thelast two decades,many changesin the agricultural economic policies , and adoptedthe economic liberalizationpolicy in Egyptian agriculture since1987, andfollowed byfourplansfor economic and social developmenttill 2007, resulting in a noticeable change insomeimportant economic variablessuch asprice levelsand consumption levelsoffood categories , the aim of this researchaims at studying theimpact of thesedevelopment planson price levelsand consumptionofmajor food groupsand the main commodities.The research depends on secondary datafor the period from 1982 to 2007.
The statistical analysis includesthe arithmetic mean and thegrowth ratefor each of thewholesale prices indices,rural , urban cost of living indices, the self-sufficiency rate and per capita consumption.The most importantresults indicatedthe upwardtrend of pricesin generalduringthe five-year plans for both thewholesale prices, as well as, cost of living in the rural and urban areas.The impactofeconomic reform,was bestfor the rural areasthan inurban areasfor cost living.It alsoshowedthe stability ofpricesoffood groupsin the fourth and fifthfive-year plans(96/97-2006/2007), except for Oils, Fats and Vegetables inurbanareasonly,and Fruits in the rural and urban areas, which was characterized byinflationinpricesbeyondthe general levelof inflationin the Egyptian market.
Forthe evolution ofself-sufficiency ratio inmostimportant goodsfoundan increase in the fifthfive-year plan for mostcommodities exceptBeansand Lentils.There is an improvement in the averageper capita for all the food categoriesafter the application ofeconomic reform policiesin general, andduring the fifthfive-year plan, in particularly, exception theDairy products,Fruits, Oils and Fats whichreacheda maximumin the fourth plan, then an averageper capita declined during thefifth five year plan. the averageper capitafor eachfood group increased than thatrecommendedinternationally,the large increasefor cerealsand starches may explainthatmuch of itdestined foranimal feed.