The marriage is considered to be the most important system of social systems, its the legitimating link between the sexes and the way to realize the safety and survival of the social conditions and Highness relations between males and females to the level of legitimacy and organize those relationships consistent with human values.
Marital adjustment, or the so-called newly Quality of Marriage is One of the most important topics that occupy the minds of researchers as the compatibility between married couples helps the family to do its functions well, which is reflected upon the children and on family happiness and therefore the building the whole society .
Researcher focused on studying marital adjustment in the Egyptian rural family from the standpoint of wives to get to know the level of marital adjustment you feel wives in addition to identify the factors that may affect it, and the study was carried out period (from June to mid-August 2014) in the village of Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
This study included all rural households residing permanently in the village that consist of the husband . wife , and include at least one child and a marriage period not less than five years and not more than ten because the study is concerned with the newly formed families that's why a questionnaire had been designed specifically for this purpose it included some independent factors, which are expected to have an impact on the level of marital adjustment felt by rural wives in addition to the scale of marital adjustment prepared by the researcher after arbitration and measure their charity and persistence.
These data were collected by personal interview.
Objectives of the study consisted of: Identify the level of marital adjustment among rural wives. And the factors associated with .the study were based on the descriptive analytic approaches it included a set of independent variables, which reflect the factors that may affect the marital adjustment for rural wives sample a prenuptial variables (marriage preparation - engagement period - the problems during the period of engagement- The relationship between the family of the husband and wife's family - the wife feelings in the family of origin) and some demographic variables (age at marriage - the difference in age between the couple - duration of marriage - the number of children - having a boy) and also some of the other variables, such as all of the religious knowledge, and behavior religious and also the nature of marriage internal or external marriage, and finally the difference in educational level between the couple.
The most important result of the study is the following:
Marital adjustment for most women from the study is average and Factors that have proven the existence of a correlation between them and the moral marital adjustment for rural wives were all independent variables of the pre-marriage, all of which were direct correlation with the exception of the level of problems during the period of engagement the more the problems engagement period, the less the level of marital adjustment for rural wives.
This study, also proved the existence of a positive correlation among all demographic variables, but the relationship was significant inverse between the number of children and marital adjustment the more the number of children the less the level of marital adjustment for rural wives and there is a direct correlation significantly between religious behavior and compatibility marital, there is no significant difference between marital adjustment between two groups depending on educational level (first group: similar level of education between the couples- second group: a different level education between couples) but the second group the husband always has the higher education level of the education does not effect. While the current study proved that marital adjustment increases in the case of internal marriages comparing the outside marriage.