A survey study was carried out on sample of pupils, their families and their teachers about the status of school feeding at Sharkia Governorate. Sample including pupils, their families and their teachers was collected from different schools. The samples included both Rural and Urban schools at Sharkia Governorate. A questionnaire was prepared including demographic information, food pattern and knowledge as well as their remarks about the school diet presented through the school feeding program at Sharkia Governorate .The data was collected using t Questionnaire sheet through personal interviews with pupils, their families and their teachers. The collected data were statistically analyzed. Data indicated that males presented 55% of the sample, while females presented 45%. Concerning age of pupils it could be noticed that 2, 14, 39, 34 and 11% of the pupil's samples aged nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen years old, respectively. According to school class it could be noticed that 10, 34 and 56% of the samples were in fourth, fifth and sixth class, respectively. Data also indicated that 16% of the studied pupils sample were suffering from obesity. However 22% of the studied pupils sample were suffering from Thinnest. Data also indicated that the pupils sample had lower food awareness because higher per cent age of them did not take their breakfast at home before going to school, higher per cent take foods from school canteen including chips and soft drinks, with out make sure of food validity. About the school meal presented to the pupils higher per cent age did not accept the colour, taste, smell and texture of the biscuit meal. Also they suggested that chocolate taste, vanilla smell, light colour and medium texture must be found in the biscuit meal. Also they suggested that the school meal must include milk and dairy products. Regarding to some remarks about school meal provided to pupils sample from their teachers. Their answers included number of workers in meal distribution is suitable, the workers are not qualified, healthy and trained. Meal transportation is unsuitable, warehouse, unsuitability of school meal warehouse ventilation, unsuitability of school meal warehouse hygiene, adaptation and space. Also, the provided meal is not sufficient to pupils need. On the light of the obtained results the following reconditions must be taken into consideration to improve the Egyptian school feeding programs outcomes for the education programs must include nutritional knowledge to improve the nutritive pattern and appearance of pupils. The media programs must include nutritional knowledge to improve the nutritive pattern and awearance of the families which must be refluxed on their children. The system of school feeding program must be revised to improve the school feeding meal to include different types of foods with particular importance on including the school meal some dairy products. Great attention must be followed by improving the conditions of school meal transportation, suitability of school meal warehouse, suitability of school meal warehouse ventilation and suitability of school meal warehouse hygiene. Also, the provided meal must be sufficient to pupils need. The workers must be qualified, healthy and trained.