The present study was carried out at the Experimental Research Station of Moshtohor, Benha University, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt during the three successive seasons of 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of three methods of selection used in the wheat breeding program namely; pedigree method (PM), bulk method (BM) and single seed descent method (SSDM). The final evaluation of the F5 generation of three crosses i.e.,Sids 12 × Line 116, Gemmiza 11 × Line 145 and Gemmiza 11 × line 124 was done during 2017/2018 season. The high yielding selected lines were evaluated in nested design with three replications in each cross. The efficiency of the breeding methods was evaluated on the basis of the following parameters: mean performance results in the first cross (Sids 12 × Line 116) indicated that, the differences between breeding methods. The pedigree method gave the highest values for grain yield/plant and number of spikes/plant. While the Bulk method gave the highest values for 1000-kernel weight, however, single seed descent (SSD) method exhibited significantly for number of kernels/spike. Pedigree method is considered the best breeding method for grain yield/ plant, number of spikes/plant and the second for 1000-Kernel weight, than those bulk and SSD method in this cross (Sids 12 × Line 116). The pedigree method produced consistently more superior lines for grain yield/plant compared to the best parent or the average population. The best lines were number No. 7 (67.97 g), No. 5 (66.61 g), No. 9 (64.6 g), No. 19 (63.48 g), No. 8 (60.19 g), No. 20 (59.11 g), No. 4 (58.89 g), No. 2 (57.36 g), No. 3 (56.18 g) No. 18 (55.47 g), No. 13 (55.21 g), No. 17 (54.83 g), No. 16 (54.24 g), No. 15 (54.21 g) and No. 12 (52.51 g) for pedigree method. But in bulk method line No. 19 (57.76 g) was more superior compared to the best parent or the average population. The mean squares for breeding methods in the second cross (Gemmiza 11 × Line 145) were significant for yield and its components. The pedigree method gave the highest values for grain yield/plant, number of kernels / spike, number of spikes / plant and 1000- kernel weight. Pedigree method is considered the best breeding method for grain yield/ plant, number of spikes / plant, number of kernels / spike and 1000- Kernel weight, than those SSD and bulk methods in this cross (Gemmiza 11 × Line 145). The pedigree method produced consistently more superior lines for grain yield / plant compared to the best parent or the average population. The best lines were number No. 5 (59.01 g), No. 14 (57.44 g), No. 15 (56.29 g) and No. 16 (56.29 g) for pedigree method. There aren't any lines significant higher in bulk method and single seed descent method than the best parent in this cross. The mean squares for breeding methods in the third cross (Gemmiza 11 × line 124) were significant for yield and its components. The pedigree method gave the highest values for grain yield / plant, number of spikes / plant, number of kernels / spike and 1000-Kernel weight. Pedigree method is considered the best breeding method for grain yield / plant, number of spikes / plant, number of kernels / spike and 1000-Kernel weight, than those SSD and bulk method in this cross (Gemmiza 11 × line 124).