Consumer acceptability and pan bread quality as influenced by the addition of ajwain (TrachyspermumammiL.) and thyme (Thymus vlugaris) leaves powders were investigated. Ajwain and thyme powders were used to replace 2, 4 and 6% of pan bread wheat flour. Levels at 2 and 4% were acceptable by panelists. Meanwhile, substitutes at level 6% showed the lowest acceptability score comparing to control samples. Specific volume of pan bread sampleswere significantly (p<.05) decreased, expect A2sample which containing 2% ajwain powder. Sample containing 4% thyme (T4) recorded the lowest specific volume 3.51cm3/g, while control sample recorded the highest value 4.11cm3/g. Crumb color was significantly affected (p<.05), increasing replacement level decreasing L* values and increasing b* values. That means the darkness gradually increased, and yellowness decreased. The a* values for ajwain increased while, a* values of thyme decreased, indicated that pan bread contained ajwain become more redness, while thyme pan bread become more greenness. Textural profile analysis showed an increase in hardness and reduced in resilience with no significant differences observed, except T4 pan bread sample which recorded 8.19N and 0.18 for hardness and resilience, respectively comparing to control sample which recorded 7.50N and 0.20 for hardness and resilience, respectively. Concerning to cohesiveness, T4 sample recorded the lowest score 0.54 with no significant differences comparing to control sample which recorded 0.62.