Articleمشروع المسح الأثري البحري لمنطقة مرسي باجوش The Marsa Bagoush Underwater Archaeological Survey
Articleمشروع المسح الأثري البحري لمنطقة مرسي باجوش The Marsa Bagoush Underwater Archaeological Survey
Articleالوضع القانونى لحطام السفن التاريخية في ضوء قواعد القانون الدولى للبحار The legal status of historic shipwrecks in perspective of the rules of international law of the sea
Articleالوضع القانونى لحطام السفن التاريخية في ضوء قواعد القانون الدولى للبحار The legal status of historic shipwrecks in perspective of the rules of international law of the sea
ArticleShip anchors in the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages: An analytical and experimental study
ArticleShip anchors in the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages: An analytical and experimental study
ArticleShip Anchors in the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages: An analytical and experimental stud
ArticleShip Anchors in the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages: An analytical and experimental stud