The work represents a successful attempt of using a computer technique in surface texture assessment for metallic surfaces A computer - Talysurf system composed of a PDP-8/L computer in connection with Talysurf 4 was employed in the analysis of surface profiles. The performance of the Computer-Talysurf system was checked by looking into the consistency of the output reading compared with the expected values according to the loading computer program.
A loading program to the PDP-8/L computer was used the computer to register of the surface ordinates arbitrary datum line at certain sampling interval for changing the sampling interval and the number registered ordinate heights was made.
A 1904 code Algol processing computer program was and used for analysing the characteristics of the surface profiles.
For ground surfaces, by using a sampling interval of 1.219 micron and a number of ordinates equals 3000, it was found that the computed value of the surface center line average equals to yhat given by the Talysurf, and the cumulative distributions of the surface peaks and ordinates were gaussiaa as expected. Finally, a picture of a surface profile obtained from the computer output compared with the surface profile obtained from the Talysurf is presented. The operating procedure of the Computer-Talysurf system and the computer program are not included for space limitations.