Abstract: The equations of motion for a robot manipulator with high speed are highly non-linear and coupled. The combined equations are developed, piecewise linearized and discretized to form a set of state difference equations by which a mathematical basis is provided for computer control and simulations. A mathematical model for describing the complete dynamics of a robot manipulator is obtained by combining the non-linear and coupled dynamic equations of motion of a manipulator linkage with those for its actuators. The adaptive control scheme and on-line computational scheme are employed to drive robot manipulators to follow high trajectories specified by continuous time functions. These schemes are briefly described and the control strategy involves a combination of feedforward and feedback control. Based on the control strategy, a program has been developed for simulations using FORTRAN. The inclusion of actuator dynamics in the modeling is shown to influence the controller design substantially. With appropriate controller design procedures, the tracking performance of the manipulators is shown to be very good. The introduced control strategy has been used to develop a planar robot manipulator with three degrees of freedom planar robot (RRR) case study using MATLAB. The result of the case study shows the capability of the control strategy to assist in controlling a manipulator using a GUI.
Intelligent control and robotics, industrial robot, digital processing, Digital Signal Processing, MATLAB
Egyptian Armed Forces.
Egyptian Armed Forces.
-Article Issue
14th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering.
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The International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
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Path Planning of High Speed Manipulators according to Actuator Dynamics