Although offering-tables have been widely examined and studied in various research papers in terms of shapes, sizes and inscriptions. However, some important figures' offering-tables have not been studied. This one-of-a-kind research will focus on rdi.n Ptah's offering-table which has not been surveyed or published before.
In this paper, the rdi.n Ptah or rdi.n Ptah offering-table will be closely examined and perused. The offering-table is owned by “rdi.n Ptah" was the commander of troops of the necropolis-stonemasons during the XIX Dynasty in the New Kingdom. The only available information regarding the rdi.n Ptah's offering-table is a short description by Ahmad Kamal in his book (Catalogue Générale des Antiquités Egyptiennes du Musée Du Caire, Tables D'Offrandes), and by August Mariette in his book (Notice Des Principaux Monuments Exposés A Boulaq) in which the two authors solely described the dimensions, general conditions and the name of the owner. No additional information was provided regarding the object.
Within this study, the definition and purpose of offering-tables is explained and analyzed. Then, the offering table of rdi.n Ptah is scrutinized from various perspectives including the place of discovery and registration and the materials, shape and dimensions of the offering table. Most importantly, the inscriptions and reliefs of the offering-table are studied in detail. The engravings and reliefs of the offering table are illustrated through visuals, as well as described, elucidated and translated. In this analysis, unique attributes are found in the elements of rdi.n Ptah's offering-table and various findings are surmised.