120 random samples of beef kofta, chicken panne, and fish based meal (sushi) (40 of each) , served in Egyptian hotels located in Cairo governorate, Egypt were collected to determine of S.Aureus counts, isolation , identifications and detection of their enterotoxins
in the examined samples.
The obtained results revealed that S. epidermidis, S. intermedius, S. saprophyticus and S. xylosus were recorded in (25 %), (2.5%), (0%) and (12.5 %) of Kofta , while for chicken panne were detected (37.5 %), (10 %), (7.5%) and (2.5 %) , in add to (45 %), (17.5%), (5%) and (10 %) were detected in Sushi fish samples, furthermore S. aureus was detected in 13(32.5%), 21(52.5%) and 27(67.5%) of the examined kofta, panne and sushi samples
Regarding to the edibility of the examined ready to eat ( RTE) samples in relation to its content of S. aureus, 11(27.5%), 21(52.5%) and 27(67.5%) of the examined kofta, panne and sushi samples respectively, were rejected for exceeding S. aureus permissible limit (not more than 102 ).
The results recorded als the main values of S . aureus counts in the examined kofta, panne and sushi samples were 9.41×102± 2.12×102, 3.27×103± 0.54×103 and 5.86×103± 0.97×103 CFU/g, respectively.
In addition to the incidence of S. aureus enterotoxins positive samples, revealed that SE-A was 1(2.5%), 2(5%) and 4(10%) of the examined kofta, panée and sushi samples, respectively; .