The world became global village as a result of the globalization in these days. So, the global Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) expanded globally especially in the Arab markets. The global QSRs adapted local traditional products from the host countries to compete with the local Egyptian QSRs. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the comparative case study of globalizing the local products which served by McDonald's QSRs versus, localizing the global products served by local Egyptian chain QSRs which offers some useful lessons for global QSRs entering Arab markets.
This research will explore the importance of adapting marketing mix for global QSRs in the Arab markets through a case study of McDonald's McFalafel and McArabia sandwich in Egypt.
On the other side, the local Egyptian QSRs adopting the same strategies to penetrate the global QSRs' market share such as; localizing the global products (with little modifications), variety of products; standards of cooking; serving; location; training; equipment; decoration and so on. The local Egyptian chain QSRs all the time compete the global chain QSRs to attract large numbers of the global QSRs' customers.
Globalization, Global QSRs, Local Egyptian QSRs, Competition, local product
-Article Issue
Issue 3 (Special Issue)
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Original Research Articles
Publication Title
International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality
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Evaluating the Competition Environment between the Global Chain Quick Service Restaurants and the Local Egyptian Quick Service Restaurants in Egypt