ArticleCarotid Artery Doppler Ultrasound and Coronary Calcium Score in Assessment of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease
ArticleCarotid Artery Doppler Ultrasound and Coronary Calcium Score in Assessment of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease
ArticleCarotid Duplex Ultrasound Versus Computed Tomography Angiogram For Detecting Cerebral Revascularization Selection Criteria In ICU Patients in The Transient and Permanent Neurolog
ArticleCarotid Duplex Ultrasound Versus Computed Tomography Angiogram For Detecting Cerebral Revascularization Selection Criteria In ICU Patients in The Transient and Permanent Neurolog
ArticleDuplex screening for carotid artery stenosis in patients with peripheral arterial disease in Assiut University Hospital
ArticleDuplex screening for carotid artery stenosis in patients with peripheral arterial disease in Assiut University Hospital
ArticleCerebrovascular Stroke Risk Factors and level of Knowledge among Community- dwelling Hypertensive Elderly
ArticleCerebrovascular Stroke Risk Factors and level of Knowledge among Community- dwelling Hypertensive Elderly