Undoubtedly, rapid advances in artificial intelligence and robotics will have a profound impact on society and its laws. Both would create a new era for humanity that is still under discussion and not well understood by many professional and legal professionals.
Everyone is fully aware of the impact of artificial intelligence on human life in many aspects. Its applications are also found everywhere around us and are rapidly and increasingly sweeping the world, as these applications have helped to transfer machines, especially intelligent robots, to a gray area between natural people and things, especially in light of the technical development that we are living in now and the emergence of a new type of robots known as autonomous robots. Thus, we cannot treat them as objects or machines.
The emergence of intelligent robots in this way inevitably requires the existence of a dedicated legal system. Especially after we realized that resorting to their use in many fields is not only a way to compensate for the lack of qualified human and professional cadres, but rather its use has become an inevitable necessity.
Also, many of the facts of the world of robotics are still relatively unknown to the public, as science fiction is still dominant in the minds of individuals. At the same time, it has no clear resonance in our Arab society, where the technology associated with it is still far from our reality despite the trend. Currently, many countries in the world and the Arab region, especially the United Arab Emirates, are increasingly interested in robots, especially those equipped with artificial intelligence systems and technologies.
The emergence of intelligent robots and their increasing spread in recent times has helped to raise many practical questions and problems, most of which revolve around their responsibility for the damage they cause to others. We tried to provide answers to these questions by reviewing some of the traditional theories related to civil liability, in addition to the proposed and innovative approaches and alternatives to confront that responsibility and limit its effects. We also addressed the answer to the question about whether we need to establish a new legal regulation for intelligent robots and whether the problems they raise can be dealt with through existing legislation or not?
Intelligent robots - Legal personality of Intelligent robots - Robots Registration - Compulsory insurance for Intelligent robots.