ArticleMemories at War or Memories in Continuum: Challenging the Borders of Memory in <i>Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza</i>
ArticleMemories at War or Memories in Continuum: Challenging the Borders of Memory in <i>Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza</i>
ArticleA Stylistic Analysis of some Selected Poems of Wystan Hugh Auden’s War Poetry: A Foregrounding- Backgrounding Approach
ArticleA Stylistic Analysis of some Selected Poems of Wystan Hugh Auden’s War Poetry: A Foregrounding- Backgrounding Approach
ArticleThe Concept of Violence in Modern English Poetry: A Study of Selected Poems by Wilfred Owen, Dylan Thomas, and Ted Hughes
ArticleThe Concept of Violence in Modern English Poetry: A Study of Selected Poems by Wilfred Owen, Dylan Thomas, and Ted Hughes
ArticleReporting the Iraq War: A Corpus-Assisted Critical Stylistic Analysis of Selected English Translations of Iraq War Poetry
ArticleReporting the Iraq War: A Corpus-Assisted Critical Stylistic Analysis of Selected English Translations of Iraq War Poetry
ArticleThe Verbatim as a Petit Narrative: A Lyotardian Reading of Guantanamo: ‘Honor Bound to Defend Freedom’
ArticleThe Verbatim as a Petit Narrative: A Lyotardian Reading of Guantanamo: ‘Honor Bound to Defend Freedom’