ArticleSix Strand Repair and Early Range of Motion in Management of Flexor Tendon Injury )New Technique)
ArticleSix Strand Repair and Early Range of Motion in Management of Flexor Tendon Injury )New Technique)
ArticleThe Use of Hyaluronate in Flexor Tendon Surgery in the Hand to Prevent Post-Operative Adhesions: A Prospective Comparative Study
ArticleThe Use of Hyaluronate in Flexor Tendon Surgery in the Hand to Prevent Post-Operative Adhesions: A Prospective Comparative Study
ArticleComparative Evaluation The Role of Venous and Peritoneal Autograft as Bioscaffold for Repairing Achilles Tendon Defect in Dogs
ArticleComparative Evaluation The Role of Venous and Peritoneal Autograft as Bioscaffold for Repairing Achilles Tendon Defect in Dogs
ArticleThe Use of Semitendinosus Tendon Graft versus Modified Weaver-Dunn Procedure for Treatment of Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation: A Comparative Study
ArticleThe Use of Semitendinosus Tendon Graft versus Modified Weaver-Dunn Procedure for Treatment of Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation: A Comparative Study
ArticleIntratendinious Versus Extracorporeal Knot Four Strand Core Suture Repair of Flexor Tendon Injuries of the Hand Zone II
ArticleIntratendinious Versus Extracorporeal Knot Four Strand Core Suture Repair of Flexor Tendon Injuries of the Hand Zone II
ThesisThe influence of coating of multifilament polyester fibers on the mechanical properties, tendon healing and adhesion formation of flexor tendons
ThesisThe influence of coating of multifilament polyester fibers on the mechanical properties, tendon healing and adhesion formation of flexor tendons
ArticleEnhancement of Gliding after Repair of both Flexor Tendons Zone II by Injection of Activated Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
ArticleEnhancement of Gliding after Repair of both Flexor Tendons Zone II by Injection of Activated Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)