Black cumin is one of the important medicinal plant and well known to flok remedy. Balady, Sori and Turki cultivars belong to black cumin are variated in chemical composition and antiviral activity. The results reflected significant heritability between the three cultivars in length and number of capsule per plant and number of branches per plant, while non-significant values of plant height, number of locules capsule, and seed yield per plant. Eight fatty acids methyl esters were detected in seeds of three cultivars by GLC. It was found change quantitatively of fatty acid between three cultivars. SDS-PAGA showed change qualitatively of poly peptides content accompanying three cultivars. A similarity of about 90% was found between Balady and Sori cultivars in relation to heritability. Water seed extracts, in vitro reduced ToMV infectivity to 6.73; 6.78 and 5.08% of Balady, Sori and Turki respectively. Four hours post and pre ToMV inoculation were most sensitive period to ToMV replication for three cultivars. On the other hand, the antiviral event changed in conformation and chemical structure of virion, coat protein and nucleic acid of ToMV with black cumin seed extract by spectroscopy. Balady, Sori and Turki; black cumin cultivars were varieted based on heritiability, chemical composition according to fatty acid GLC and polypeptide fraction SDS-PAGE analysis as well as antiviral activities against tomato mosaic tobamovirus.