Two field experiments were conducted at Nubaria Agric. Res. Station during 2003 and 2004 seasons. The objective of this investigation aimed to study the effect of irrigation intervals (irrigation every 14 and 28 days) and six intercropping patterns: (1) Pure stand of soybean (sown in hills 10 cm distance apart on each side of the ridge and thinned at two plants/hill). (2) Pure stand of sunflower (sown in hills 30 cm distance on side of the ridge and thinned at one plant/hill). (3) Soybean sown on one side of the ridge and sunflower sown on the other side of the ridge (100% soybean+100% sunflower). (4) Soybean sown in 2:2 rows with sunflower. (5) Soybean sown in 2:4 rows with sunflower. (6) Soybean sown in 4:2 rows with sunflower on yield and its components of both crops, as well as the competitive relationships. A split plot in complete randomize design with four replicates was used. The results indicated that Irrigation intervals had significant effects on soybean plant height, number of pods/plant, seed yield/fad. and seed oil percentage of soybean plants. Intercropping patterns had significant effects on all studied traits, except oil and protein content percentages in the two seasons. The highest seed yield/fad. was obtained by irrigation every 14 days and sowing soybean in pure stand. Pure stand gave higher seed yield of soybean than that of all intercropping patterns. Irrigation intervals had significant effects on sunflower plant height, number of leaves/plant, seed yield/plant and seed yield/fad. of sunflower plants in the two seasons. Also, intercropping patterns had significant effects on all studied traits in the two seasons. Pure stand of sunflower gave higher seed yield/fad. than all intercropping patterns. The highest seed yields of sunflower and soybean were obtained by irrigation every 14 days and pure stands in the two seasons. The results indicated that land equivalent ratios (LER) of soybean and sunflower values were more than one. Moreover, it could be concluded that soybean and sunflower sown at pure stands with irrigation every 14 days can be recommended for raising soybean and sunflower productivity as compared with all intercropping patterns under the condition of Nubaria region. Also, sunflower was always the dominant crop, whereas soybean was dominated.