Resulted in the opening of the Egyptian society to the outside world, and the work of many Egyptians in the Petroleum States to increase the level of their income on the one hand and increasing population growth rates of Egypt on the other hand which is reflected to increase the amounts and rates of food commodities consumption in general, and Edible Oil and fats, in particular, where The per capita consumption of Edible Oil about 15 kg/year, which gives an indication of the increased size of the food gap of Edible Oil where the problem was in that Edible Oil become one of the most important sources of the increase in the cost of Egyptian agricultural imports as a result of the application of the GATT as the cost of the Edible Oil imports by about 47 % of the increase in the total value of Egyptian agricultural imports posing a heavy burden on the balance of payments, and then the research aimed to analyze the impact of different variables to determine the most important determinants of consumption of Edible Oil and fats.
To be included in the Egyptian agricultural policy to help the decision-maker to take the
necessary corrective actions about it. Where the study found several factors affecting the consumption of Edible Oil and fats can be limited to the most important are as follows:
The per capita consumption of Edible Oil (of Human unit). The per capita expenditure on Edible Oil, the effect of the price / income ratio of group of Edible Oil and fats, the frequency of frying in the same oil, the function of the head of household, the average price of a kilogram of vegetable ghee, the volume of containers of Edible Oil, Types of pot keeping the oil after use, the use of oil in a frying more than one type of food, rising per capita income (Human Unit), increase the rate of per capita consumption (of Human unit), the proliferation of fast food shops, as well as shops , beans and falafel, increasing individual consumption of fast food, especially after the revolution due length of waiting of individuals in the Egyptian street .
The study pointed out many of the expectations and proposals could limit the most important are as follows:
Increasing the area of land cultivated oily crops, need to focus on projects in Toshka and the Qattara Depression and the cultivation of parts of the northern coast, the return to agricultural rotation system of enter including the Oileeds, restart Edible Oil factories with full capacity both in the stages of refining of raw Oil imported or Edible Oil extraction from locally grown Oileeds, rationalizing the use of Edible Oil in domestic consumption.