Treacle is consumed by some individuals in Egypt as a sweet food concentrate or as an ingredient in traditional sweets. It represents combination of certain physical properties, fineflavour,acceptablecaramelcolourandhighnutritivevalue.
Treacle is used in the area of Damietta Governorate, Egypt as a basic ingredient in preparing two nutritious (home made) traditional sweet products, locally named Halawa Sowda (HS) and Helba Metabakha (HM). The basic ingredient in the formulations is treacle with the addition of mainly black seed in HS and fenugreek in HM, respectively with other seasonings and thickening agents to improve the specificsensorycharacteristicsofeachofthetwoproducts.
The present work was carried out to evaluate the two products from the view of therapeutic nutrition, overall acceptability and preference extent as new products unknown by the majority of the inhabitants in Alexandria Governorate.
The results showed that the two products can be accounted as low price nutritious foods. They are good sources of energy which 67% of it comes from carbohydrates. The protein content of HS and HM (5.8 and 5.91%, respectively on dry weight basis,) contained all the essential amino acids. Eating 50g daily can provide all the recommended daily amino acids. Fat content of HS and HM (12.91 and 13.55%, respectively on dry weight basis) are rich in fatty acids, particularly, the unsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic and oleic acids are representing 35 and 24% of the total fatty acids, respectively. They are good sources of macro and micro mineral elements, especially Na, K, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Ca. Helba Metabakha is more acceptable than Halawa Sowda, but both were readily acceptable as food products or as cookies filler.
The results revealed that both products can be recommended to provide the diverse blend of nutrients needed for growth, during pregnancy, increasing milk excretion of nursing mothers and overall health. That is truly well known as a folk food in Damietta Governorate.