ArticleDomestic violence against women during pregnancy and the post-partum period: What are the solutions?
ArticleDomestic violence against women during pregnancy and the post-partum period: What are the solutions?
ArticleMedico-Legal Evaluation of Violence Against Pregnant Women Attending Woman’s Health Hospital in Assiut University, Upper Egypt
ArticleMedico-Legal Evaluation of Violence Against Pregnant Women Attending Woman’s Health Hospital in Assiut University, Upper Egypt
ArticleDomestic Violence against Widow Stepmothers: A Cross-Sectional Study for prevalence, Risk Factors and Psychological Effects.
ArticleDomestic Violence against Widow Stepmothers: A Cross-Sectional Study for prevalence, Risk Factors and Psychological Effects.
ArticleDomestic Violence During the Period From 2015 to 2020 and Effect of Covid 19 on Domestic Violence
ArticleDomestic Violence During the Period From 2015 to 2020 and Effect of Covid 19 on Domestic Violence