Domestic violence is a common public health problem that affects the health and well-being
of women all over the world. Aim: this study aimed to assess the effects of domestic violence on
women's health in Sohage City through physical, emotional, controlling behaviour and sexual
abuse. Assess risk factors that are expected to occur domestic violence against women in Sohage
City. Design : A descriptive analytic study was used. Sample : A purposive sample of 480
married women. Setting: The study carried out at Dar Salama Abdulla and Akhmim maternal and
Child Health Center in Sohage City. Tools : two tools were used for data collection. The first tool
was Interviews questionnaire sheet to assess risk factors related to domestic violence against
women, the second tool was violence Scale uses to identify domestic violence against women.
Results: results of this study indicated that some common risk factors that are significantly
associated with occurrence of domestic violence against women such spousal characteristic,
societal risk factor and family relation risk factor. Emotional violence the higher prevalent types
of domestic violence against women 79.6% followed by controlling behavior71%, sexual58.30%
and physical violence 41.3%. Conclusion: the study concluded that nearly half of them had age
range from 20-30years; more than half of them were lived in rural area. The majority of them
were unsatisfactory knowledge about domestic violence. Emotional violence is the most common
prevalent type and. Psychological effect is the most common result from domestic violence on
women health. Recommendations: the study recommended that to provide health educational
sessions for women and men about domestic violence and Routine screening of all women for
domestic violence should be part of the health history, also provided adequate emergency
treatment with rehabilitative measures.