The present study investigated the effect of adding cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and doum palm fruit
(Hyphaene thebaica) water extracts (as a natural flavour agent and antioxidant compound sources) on fermented camel
milk properties. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus were used in the
fermentation process. The analyses of chemical and nutritional values of camel milk, cinnamon and doum palm fruit
extracts were performed. The samples were analyzed for physicochemical, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity,
minerals, vitamins, rheological, microbiological and sensory properties when fresh and during storage (21 day) at
4±1°C. Flavoured fermented camel milk with concentrated cinnamon and doum extracts caused a significant increase in
total phenolic content proportionally with increasing the concentration level of added extracts, while significant
decrease was shown during storage period. The antioxidant activity of flavoured substituted fermented camel milk in
which concentrated cinnamon and doum extracts were added ranged from 91.39 - 90.31% when 3 and 9% extracts
levels were added respectively. Fermented camel milk flavoured with doum extract had higher vitamins content
compared with that made by adding cinnamon extract. Minerals content in treatments with doum fruit extract showed
the highest contents of potassium (K), sodium (Na), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) compared with untreated fermented camel
milk. The greatest increase rate observed in potassium (K) in fermented camel milk made by adding3% and
9%cinnamon and doum extracts. Total bacterial count increased in all flavoured fermented milk, while the count of Str.
thermophiles and Lb. bulgaricus increased to maximum at the 14th day of storage period then decreased up to the end of
storage period. Increasing levels of cinnamon and doum extracts negatively influenced the sensory scores of some
properties of fermented camel milk. The overall results cleared that, it is possible to produce good quality fermented
camel milk with good flavour, body & texture, appearance and colour by adding of (cinnamon and doum) extracts as a
good functional foods.