ArticleRURAL WOMAN'S BEHAVIOUR IN DEALING WITH FARM AND HOME WASTE IN DAR ELSALAM VILLAGE AT EL FAYOUM GOVERNORATE سلوک المرأة الريفية في التعامل مع المخلفات المزرعية والمنزلية بقرية دا
ArticleRURAL WOMAN'S BEHAVIOUR IN DEALING WITH FARM AND HOME WASTE IN DAR ELSALAM VILLAGE AT EL FAYOUM GOVERNORATE سلوک المرأة الريفية في التعامل مع المخلفات المزرعية والمنزلية بقرية دا
ArticleSome Factors Affecting Farmer's Behavior to Dispose of Agricultural and Household Waste and How to Overcome Them in Rural of Luxor Governorate
ArticleSome Factors Affecting Farmer's Behavior to Dispose of Agricultural and Household Waste and How to Overcome Them in Rural of Luxor Governorate
ArticleFARMERS ATTITUDE TOWARDS RECYCLING FARM RESIDUAL IN SOME VILLAGES OF SHARQUIA AND QUALUBIYA GOVERNORATES اتجاه الزراع نحو تدوير المخلفات المزرعية ببعض قرى محافظتى الشرقية والقليوب
ArticleFARMERS ATTITUDE TOWARDS RECYCLING FARM RESIDUAL IN SOME VILLAGES OF SHARQUIA AND QUALUBIYA GOVERNORATES اتجاه الزراع نحو تدوير المخلفات المزرعية ببعض قرى محافظتى الشرقية والقليوب
ArticleRural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates
ArticleRural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates
ArticleAn Analtical Study of Farmers' Behavior Regarding the Recycling of Agricultural Plant and Animal Wastes at some Districts in Kafer Elsheikh Governorate. دراسة تحليلية لمکونات سلو
ArticleAn Analtical Study of Farmers' Behavior Regarding the Recycling of Agricultural Plant and Animal Wastes at some Districts in Kafer Elsheikh Governorate. دراسة تحليلية لمکونات سلو
Articleتدوير المخلفات المنزلية لربة الاسرة بصعيد مصر وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية Recycling Household Waste for Housewives in Upper Egypt and Its Relationship to Some S
Articleتدوير المخلفات المنزلية لربة الاسرة بصعيد مصر وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية Recycling Household Waste for Housewives in Upper Egypt and Its Relationship to Some S
ArticleKnowledge, Self-Reported Practices, and Believes of Rural Women about Household Solid Waste Management at El Gharbia Governorate
ArticleKnowledge, Self-Reported Practices, and Believes of Rural Women about Household Solid Waste Management at El Gharbia Governorate