Certain food items might be more frequently eaten under personal stress or depressive state. We examined nutritional habits associated with depression, self-esteem, anxiety and aggression symptoms and the relationship by gender in a sample of students from the University of Assiut. The study discussed the role of nutrition in mental health: depression, self-esteem anxiety and aggression in sample of Students from the University of Assiut. 225 students (males and females) from Assiut University were chosen. They were subjected to socioeconomic history and diet history taking. The tests used were the measure of depression, self-esteem, anxiety, and aggression, using the correlation coefficient. Results revealed that depression was significantly reduced among the participants at (P < 0.01) when eating protein, starchy, sugary foods, legumes, fruits and vegetables, but was significantly increased when eating fatty food items and drinking beverages. In contrast, self-esteem was significantly increased when eating protein, starchy, sugar food items and legumes, but was significantly decreased when eating fruits and vegetables and drinking beverages. Eating protein, starchy, sugary food items, legumes, fruits and vegetables reduced anxiety, but drinking beverages increased anxiety and aggression. Also, aggression was significantly increased by eating protein rich food items, but eating legumes, fruits and vegetables decreased aggression among the participants.