ArticlePhysicochemical and Microbiological Evaluation of Commercial Tomato Concentrates Consumed In Egypt
ArticlePhysicochemical and Microbiological Evaluation of Commercial Tomato Concentrates Consumed In Egypt
ArticleEvaluation of bacterial and chemical quality of new manufactured pasted fish products in a large scale fish processing plant, Egypt
ArticleEvaluation of bacterial and chemical quality of new manufactured pasted fish products in a large scale fish processing plant, Egypt
Articlestudy on the Nutrient status and sensory evaluation of some vegetables "frozen & storage at home"
Articlestudy on the Nutrient status and sensory evaluation of some vegetables "frozen & storage at home"
Articleإنتاج مكعبات المرق من اللحم البقري والدجاج المجفف بالميكروويف ومقارنتها بنظيرتها التجارية. Production of broth cubes from microwave-dried meet and chicken and comparison with the
Articleإنتاج مكعبات المرق من اللحم البقري والدجاج المجفف بالميكروويف ومقارنتها بنظيرتها التجارية. Production of broth cubes from microwave-dried meet and chicken and comparison with the