Weathering and deterioration of the Egyptian alabaster were not studied enough as much as the other rocks (such as sandstone , limestone , granite and marble ) , and the negative influences ring may occur hastily because of its chemical composition so the selected two examples of the Egyptian alabaster the most important examples of using it in building in Egypt and at same time is the most insecure , were studied through several visits to sites , description and Characterization of the Egyptian alabaster Travertine) either in original sources (quarries) or in archaeological sites where samples were collected and taken to laboratory analyses and investigation ,to identify Deterioration ,Weathering and Damage such as : Constructional Defects ( Cracks and Frailty and debility structure of some ornamental architectural) , Structural Defects(the colloform structure ,Vugs and cavities and granulation), Climatic (physical) weathering and Deterioration (Discoloration deposit such as Bleaching , Gypsum formation , The soiling , Black or Dark Crust and Efflorescence and Sub florescence of Halite salt ) , Loss of stone material such as Roughening , Pittingand Back weathering due to loss of scales) , Detachment such as granular disintegration , Crumbling , flaking to contour scaling , flaking to contour scaling and Fissures independent of stone structure) and Man-made faults (erroneous restoration) . In addition to Some Recommendations of preservation , and I satisfied to put the results discussion and conclusion in comparative table form