This Paper aimed mainly to build an extension program for the developingthe food behavior of the rural village of kafr magar-desouk district inkafrelsheikh governorate.The paper focused on several axes, namely: axis of
the feeding pregnancy stage, axis of the feeding to breast feeding stage, axisof the feeding to childhood stage, axis of the feeding to puberty and youngpeople stage, and axis of the feeding to aging stage.The paper based on personal interviewing questionnaire to collect of theresearch data. Then, it was selected the village of Kafr Magar as an area for
the research, it was selectsd a systematic random sample represented to10% of the total population of the rural women, it has used some statisticalmethods as percentage, frequencies, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation
to analysis of the data.The main findings were as follows.The results showed that about 93% of total respondents were found in thecategories of low and medium level of knewlodge in the field of healthnutrition.
Approximatly 66% of them were found in the categories of low andmedium-level of knewlodge in the axis of feeding of pregnancy stage, 80%were low and medium level of knowledge in nutrition axis of breast feeding
stage, 76% were low and medium level of knowledge in axis of nutritionchildhood stage, the results revealed that 86% of them were low and mediumlevel of knowledge in the axis of nutrition of puberty and young people stage,and 88% of the respondents were low and medium level of knowledge theaxis of nutrition of aging stage.
The paper presented a extension program to supervisions on theextension work in kafr El-Sheikh governorate to implementation it in theresearch erea.