From the Ancient time, Egypt suffers of the strong relation with theValley and the Delta of Nile. However, contention population growth and thestability of the agricultural area or fluctuating around about 9 million feddans
after it was approximately 8.95 million feddans in 2013 and becameapproximately 9.27 million feddans in 2016, and with the repetition of theinvitation to out of the valley, it was important to support this invitations withsome of the basics, such as paving roads and building villages residentialbuildings and the division of the land and reclaims it for agriculture, and
establish agricultural associations, clinics, schools, etc., so the research aimsmainly adding new land in desert back of governorates to using groundwaterirrigation, the research idea originated from the graduates villages of Nubaria
scattered in the area that transformed the desert street to a new green street,This is due to the perseverance and contribution of the graduates and thedisplaced farmers from the behira villages. This perspective has been put
some cropping compositions and various divisions of fruit trees, each on 5feddans as an agriculture model. The research output has been found someapplied recommendations such as:1. Road Graders, reclaims the land as much as possible, then divide them to5 feddans , drilling wells each enough to 20 feddans for each 4 models,processing lift pumps and solar panels needed, establish villages andclinics and schools to receive eligible graduates and able to contribute to
the development and the desert, and establish agricultural associations tomonitor the private investment development operations in the desert back,
2. Reclaiming cultivation attention, especially a food security and strategiccrop (wheat), where the production could increase by about 483.5thousand tons per year, the cultivation of alfalfa production may increaseby about 4.3 million tons per year and hay by about 518 thousand tons peryear in case of implementation models proposed,
3. the cultivation of peanuts, watermelons, tomatoes, potatoes as export andmonetary crops, the production may increase by about 0.26, 2.57,1.65,and 1.33 million tons per year for each of them in case ofimplementation of the proposed models,4. Further, fruit mentioned in the Koran, such as figs, olives, pomegranates,dates, and grape types, Egypt's production may increase by about 350,328, 1.19, 483, 398 tons per year.