The present study was carried out in the two seasons of 2014 and2015 at the Edffina Experimental Farm of Production Sector, AgriculturalResearch Center, Edco, El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt. The main objectiveof this study was to identify the effect of nitrogen rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kgN ha-1). on growth and production of Giza 179 and Sakha 104 rice cultivarsunder two sowing methods (Transplanting and broadcasting). Twoexperiments were laid out in split plot design based on RCBD in fourreplications in each sowing methods. Main plots were assigned to ricecultivars and the sub-plots to nitrogen rates. A combined analysis was usedbetween sowing methods in each season. The results obtained show thatapplication of transplanting method significantly increased number of paniclem-2, number of filled grains per panicle-1, number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1,1000-grain weight, grain yield and straw yield compared with broadcastingmethod in both seasons. The cultivar Giza 179 surpassed Sakha 104 numberof panicle m
-2, number of filled grains per panicle-1 and grain yield. While thelater recorded the higher values of 1000-grain weight, number of unfilledspikelets panicle
-1 and straw yield in the two seasons. Increasing nitrogen rateup to 150 kg N ha-1 significantly increased number of panicle m
-2, number offilled grains per panicle
-1, number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1, grain yield andstraw yield. Except 1000-grain weight, all the mentioned traites were graduallydecreased by each increased of nitrogen fertilizer in both seasons. Theinverse was true in 1000-grain weight. The highest grain yield was obtainedfrom adding 150 or 100 kg N ha
-1 to the rice cultivar Giza 179 sown bytransplanting method in the two seasons. It can be concluded thattransplanting of Giza 179 received 100 kg N ha
-1 could be recommended foroptimum grain yield under these conditions.