The purpose of this study was to nutritionally evaluate supplement foodformulated from fermented maize, peas and soybean. Maize, peas andsoybean were the sole energy and protein sources. Experimental diets consistof dietary basal (A), fermented maize–soybean–pigeon peas 70:15:15 (B),fermented maize–soybean 70:30 (C), fermented maize–pigeon peas 70:30(D) and Nutrend (E) a commercial foods supplement. A commercial product(Nutrend) manufactured by Nestle, Egypt and was used as standard diet. Theformulated food supplement were fed albino rats for 28 days. The results
showed that the average weight gained increased for dietary B, C, D and E(73.8-142.60, 73.8-98.26, 73.8-93.62 and 73.8-91.86, respectively), but diet Acaused a decrease from 73.8 to 62.72 g. Protein qualities of dietary samples
including biological value (BV; 94.26 and 98.67), true digestibility (TD; 72.55-80.46), net protein utilization (NPU; 71.72-76.53), protein efficiency ratio(1.63-3.49), feed efficiency (0.16-0.35), net protein ratio (2.49-4) and proteinretention efficiency (46.38-61.24). The food supplement formulated frommaize, pigeon peas and soybean supported animal growth and favorablycompared with the standard. Meaning that, the application of multiple plantprotein (peas and soybean) in the formulation of food supplement may besuitable for feeding of infants or children in developing countries to alleviate
protein energy malnutrition.