Hospital food plays a significant role in the recovery and well-being of patients and helps them physically and emotionally during their hospital stay.Patient's opinion about hospital food is one of the main factors contributing to the success of hospital food services. Aim of the study: This study was conducted to determine inpatients' satisfaction with the provided food services in Sohag University Hospital. Subjects and methods: A cross sectional study was carried out for a period of 6 months (from March to August, 2014) in three major departments in Sohag University Hospital and it included 1015 inpatients. Interview questionnaire was used for collecting data about inpatients' general characteristics and evaluating inpatients satisfaction with food services. Results: Findings showed that (60.8%) of the studied inpatients reported that they ate all hospital food or part of it. The rate of satisfaction with food services among them was (64.2%). Age, educational level and department were significantly associated with the overall satisfaction level(p < 0.05). Positive correlation was found between the overall satisfaction level and the different dimensions of food services. Linear regression of food services dimensions and overall satisfaction revealed that the food quality had the highest regression coefficient (0.69), which implies that food quality is significantly associated (p < 0.05) with the overall satisfaction with food services provided for inpatients followed by staff/service issues, hot food factors, food quantity and physical environment. Conclusion: Improving different food services dimensions especially food quality enhances the level of overall satisfaction with hospital food services.
Keywords:Hospital Food Services, Patient Satisfaction, food quality, meal service quality