THIS WORK was carried out in the experimental farm of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Department in El Kanater El Khairia, in tow successive seasons 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of soaking cumin seeds before planting and spraying the plants with garlic aqueous extract (100g/L, 200 g/L and 400g/L) alone or in combinations on growth, fruit yield and oil production.
Cumin plants were responded to soaking and spraying with garlic aqueous extract individually or in combinations. All treatments increased the vegetative growth expressed as (plant height, fresh and dry weights) and produced higher fruit yield compared with the control. This increment showed positive trend with increasing the garlic aqueous extract concentrations. Also, essential oil yield with the highest
p-mentha-1-en-7-al (major component) content increased compared with the control plants.