Sugar cane is considered one of the most important crops in Egypt because the sugar production depends mainly on it. This study aimed at analyzing the economics of sugar cane cultivated in Sohag governorate, with special focus on production, costs, prices and net income per feddan, during the period (1990-2006). The study showed that the total sugar cane cultivated area in Sohag reached about 16.5 thousand feddans with an annual rate of increase of 2.94% during the period of study, average production of sugar cane was about 802.8 thousand tons increase annual by 0.79%.
Studying net income per feddan, declared that it reached an average of 1536 L.E / feddan, with an average annual increase of 24.84 L.E / feddan, with annual rate of 1.61% during the period of study.
Finally, the study recommended that increasing the total production of sugar cane could be attained by: increasing cultivation area or increase of productivity per feddan. The first is difficult because of the competition for cultivated area and the limited amount of irrigation water in Egypt. Second factor is important for increasing the production of sugar cane by the improving of irrigation system and using modern techniques for land leveling before cultivation.